Etherio Blog

What to Consider for Your Association’s Magazine Design

Written by Rebecca Clusserath | November 3, 2023

Many associations distribute a publication that provides industry and association news. The association I work with, the National Property Management Association (NPMA), delivers a rich product full of insightful articles from members, association updates, industry trends, educational offerings, and much more. But the magazine’s look was relatively uniform: lacking any color and needing a refresh. The association’s vice president of marketing and communications wanted something new where the design and colors were “fresh, light and bright.”

Working for an association management company (AMC) with an in-house creative team allowed me to go straight to the source. I asked what types of things NPMA should consider for a magazine refresh. And although there are lots of things to consider, especially with regard to differing audiences, we focused on the following: 

  • Creating a cover that grabs attention
  • Getting creative with the table of contents and its layout
  • Thinking broadly about the association’s color palette and how we could expand on it while maintaining a professional look and feel
  • Incorporating stylish yet legible fonts

With these items in mind, our creative team began brainstorming, partnering with the association’s VP of marketing and communications. The group decided upon the new look after a few meetings, design drafts, and email exchanges. These basic yet fundamental changes would lay the foundation for the new look and feel of the overall magazine. 

Shortly after, Etherio's creative team implemented the new suite of design elements for the upcoming edition of the magazine. Thanks to the talents and expertise of our in-house creative team, the magazine rebrand was quick and seamless. 

In return, NPMA’s VP of marketing and communications shared glowing feedback, expressing, “I love the new design. The bright colors and new layout make a difference in refreshing the look and feel of the magazine!” They added, “I can’t wait for membership to see it.” 

New year, new look? Our creative team drives innovative design to keep your community engaged. Get in touch to learn more.